declaration according to § 5 TMG:
Almuth Wehrle
Wehmuth Design
Sanitasstr. 18
21107 Hamburg
Contact details:
Phone: +49 176 32775676
E-Mail: almuth-wehrle(at)wehmuth.de
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Fashion design: Almuth Wehrle
Homepage design: Viktoria Steinwandel
Programming: Robin Poppenberg
Descriptions: Christiane Mehlig
Translations: Annika Wehrle
Photos (Atelier): Christiane Mehlig
Fashion design: Almuth Wehrle
Dancers: Alina Muschalik, Nikita Goncharow
Director and lights: Sophie Loca
MUA: Hoky Siswan
Camera and lights: Manuel Sachse
Camera and sound: Swantje Fehling
Stills: Bianca Dietz
Music: Schieres